Song of Deirdre Fiction

New Review of The Song of Deirdre

From Mack-w over on

Two sleepless nights burning through this fic were extremely well spent. Your style is wonderful, and I had a great time in coming to recognize your quirks. 10/10

Your writing is incredibly engaging and sets the hook in early; I didn’t want to sleep, but the few winks I caught were spent dreaming of your beautifully wrought world. The depth and life that you’ve created are nothing short of inspiring. The pacing is very well done – it honestly looks as though it’s flying by, but the content progresses organically with a fluidity that I don’t often see in fanfiction.

The changes that you’ve made fit so well that I wouldn’t even notice if I was unfamiliar with the canon story. The attention to detail plus the recurring themes of hate, balance, and compassion… I could go on for days if my overcritical brain wasn’t retyping every sentence three times. I’ve learned a thing or two about flow in here, but other than lessons learned, this story will stick with me for a long time. I’ll cherish this as a work with emotional impact.

As for your dilemma, I agree that you have a talent that should be recognized, but with the nature of fanfiction, it just cannot be. I wish you all the success in the world should you write something monetarily eligible, and I wish with all my heart that you reconsider finishing your Song.

Sure, there’s no money in this fanfiction gig, but reviews like this almost make up for it.

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