Mid-Mitten Cycling

Jill Byelich Tribute Ride

Some photos from yesterday’s tribute ride for Jill Byelich and the rally at the state Capitol that followed. Jill’s husband, Jordan Byelich, gave a moving speech to the crowd at her gravesite. At the Capitol, there was one bit of good news from John Lindenmayer of the League of Michigan Bicyclists: both the state house and senate have now passed Nathan’s Law, which provides for more education to encourage bicycle awareness in Michigan’s drivers’ ed classes. Governor Snyder will sign the bill next week, on Nathan Bower’s birthday. Work is still needed on the proposed Vulnerable Roadway Users Law. Next year, LMB will begin a campaign to pass a five-foot passing requirement. Currently, Michigan is just one of a handful of states that has no requirement for motorists when passing bicyclists.

More photos of the ride, which drew over 100 cyclists on a chilly fall day, are available in a gallery from the Lansing State Journal.

Cyclists on the Jill Byelich Tribute Ride stop at the crash site
Cyclists on the Jill Byelich Tribute Ride stop at the crash site


Jill Byelich's grave site
Jill Byelich’s grave site


Lead vehicle
The tribute ride’s lead vehicle.


Rally at the Capitol
Rally at the Capitol

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