Fiction Desert Trilogy

Desert Trilogy Releases Today!

Desert Trilogy cover smallMy chapbook of three short stories set in the California desert is now available for your ereading devices. It’s officially $2.99, but if you hurry, you might still get it at the $0.99 pre-order price. (It takes a while for Amazon and other retailers to adjust the price.)

Here are brief descriptions, and you can click the linked titles for longer excerpts:

Glass: Derek can’t understand why his hiking partners don’t want him wearing his Google Glass. But alienating friends isn’t the only danger of his obsession with Augmented Reality. (Takes place in a slightly future world in which Google has released an updated version of its ill-fated device.)

Chill Out: Is now the right time for Brad and Amy to have kids? Brad wants to start a family right away, but Amy wants to focus on her writing career. Will a drive in the desert help them settle the argument?

What I Did for Love: Dave is a journeyman carpenter. Now he needs to drill a hole in his girlfriend’s head. Does he have the nerve to finish the job?

Here are all the places you can get the ebook:




Barnes & Noble


A print version will be available soon, at a price yet to be determined.

(Cover photo by Steve Berardi, used by permission.)

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