Desert Trilogy goes live in just six days, and I’m hoping you’ll pre-order it before then. You’ll get it for just $0.99, and the book will get a bump in sales on the official on-sale date. Win-win!
Here’s a little teaser to get you to plunk down your hard-earned buck. (More excerpts are available here.)
The amount of blood is incredible. It pours out of the wound the instant the bit chews into Jane’s scalp, soaking the T-shirts beneath her head. I stop drilling and try to press the rags tight around the hole with my left hand, but nothing seems to help. Superficial bleeding, I tell myself—it looks worse than it is. Jane’s eyelids flutter, but she shows no other sign of consciousness. There is a nauseating smell like that of burning hair.
How deep to drill? How thick is the human skull, anyway? The bit is covered in blood, strands of Jane’s long hair that have gotten wound up in it, and now fine bits of bone, so that I can’t tell how deep I’ve gone. I try to pretend that I’m drilling around hot wires—just another goddamned job site—and I need to ease back pressure as soon as the bit breaks through. I put the drill back in place, and the grating sound of bit against bone begins again.
If that sounds too gruesome, I promise that this is a romance story. A horror-romance, but a romance nonetheless. (And not nearly as horrible as Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak. That’s a horror movie, no matter what he says.)
Here are all the ways you can order Desert Trilogy. (The print version is on hold for now as I sort through issues with a possible distributor.)